In-house engineering capability allows Boiler Cleaning Services to solve a range of engineering problems and covers diverse engineering solutions and disciplines including stress analysis, flexibility, thermal, fluid dynamics, combustion system design and optimisation and process engineering calculations.

BCS have over many years demonstrated the capability to add value to our customer’s business in the design, supply, monitoring, optimisation and maintenance strategies concerning the following:
- Pressure parts component modifications and life extension
- Steam and water tubing design, monitoring and maintenance strategies
- Combusting systems – gas, oil and pulverised fuel
- High pressure and temperature headers, piping and support systems
- Steam boilers
- Pumps and valves
- Heat exchangers and condensers
- Silos/tanks and vessels
- Furnaces and ovens flue gas cleaning and other environmental protection
systems - Performance monitoring and plant efficiency improved studies
- Design, supply and installation of plants in the edible oil industry.
- Design, supply and installation of plants in the feed milling industry.
- Structural steel design and manufacturing.
- Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of the following
water treatment equipment:
- Conductivity / Bleed Controllers on:
In addition to the supply of the above we also service the equipment under our Standard Service Agreements. Furthermore our range of conductivity / bleed controllers was especially developed by us in conjunction with our manufacturers.